A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Wonderful BAO ZHONG!

A great twisted Oolong tea, one of my most favorites so far. This is Wen Shan Bao Zhong.
Wen Shan I believe is the location it came from. It's lightly oxidized, almost looks like a green tea, very beautiful leaves, bruised, a little purple. I brewed 5 grams of tea in a 140 ml gaiwan. One rinse, and then I had six steepings at a low temperature, in this case ranging from 178 all the way down to 140!
THIS is the way I like my Oolongs, this low tempt steep is unorthodox but yields a floral, mild pleasant experience every steeping.
This tea was acquired from The Fragrant Leaf, and ordered online.
Thin and light, it starts out vegetal and ends floral.
Absolutely wonderful tea, I could drink this all day. Last steep was 2 minutes, because I was writing this and forgot about it, and even at 140 degrees is was lovely! Whatever you hear, do NOT hit this with really hot water, don't waste this treasure by boiling it.
Every sip yields new flavors, its magical.