A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

My last Puerh session and my first White Jasmine session...first of many!

Just spent an hour with this Puerh.
Experimented with amounts of tea, temperatures, steep time, water to tea ration and I must conclude that I really dislike Puerhs! 
That being admitted to, I sure did fall in love with Verdant's' Yunnan White Jasmine' when I needed something to cleanse my palette!
Believe it or not, this is also a first for me, I generally stay away from 'scented teas' but this sample,
(one of the 'Five teas for $ 5 bucks' offer from Verdant) is really up my alley! Does that make me a tea philistine?
If so, so be it!