A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A shameful but delicious concoction.

Not my usual style, nor a style I intend to duplicate, at least not with any frequency. However, I made a rather delicious tea drink.
I received a fairly large amount of Floating Leaves Oriental Beauty 2015 and made a far too strong brew for myself during an experiment.
So I put it over ice, added honey, some almond milk, some Saigon cinnamon and, well, I am sad to say some chocolate syrup. And I mean like Hershey's type syrup, not some fancy coffee-house Italiana stuff, this was actually Trader Joe's 'Organic Midnight Moo'. And wow, what a delicious drink! I put it in a shaker with ice and drank it all day.
I won't use Oriental Beauty, my favorite tea so far, in such a disrespectful manner....too often but it is nice to know if I over-brew I can play around instead of dumping it out! Too bad I cannot say the same for all the Puerhs I have tried this past month!