A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

White Peony Tea!

A pretty little sample to start my day, just under 5 grams, which I brewed up in my small 120m gaiwan. I don't know what to expect when I open the package and am really excited about the wonderful grassy scent and gorgeous colors and shapes within!
White Peony, Bai MuDan, is truly interesting looking, a lot of variation. I see buds with little white hairs, whole leaves, small pieces and some really green parts too! It's really lovely, here it is...
Bai MuDan from Teavivre
The first rinse, which I drink is heavenly, the first real steep more vibrant of course and slightly less heavenly, I think I am more than half in love with just the taste of my good hot water! I take my time with the next few steeps because lots of things are coming out; sweetness at first, a little flowery, at third steep a bit of a bite in the back of my throat which makes me smile. It's telling me to keep paying attention!
The color is nice and full for a white tea and I am truly happy to have found a white tea with such delicate yet substantial personality to add to my list of teas to always keep in the tea safe.

There is a special woman in my life I thought of when I took my first, second and third sip, someone I would love to share this with but who cannot touch even a slight bit of caffeine due a serious health concern. But, oh, how I thought of her and wished I could share this experience with her! When a tea brings to mind a person this well-loved, I know it is a truly good tea!
Prior to brewing, a little close-up of my mornings model.

After two quick steeps