A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Perfection from the first pour. What a way to start a Monday! Knowing the perfect cuppa is going to be easy, even bleary-eyed at 6am!

This is a quick update on the same tea which baffled me in my prior post.

It's wonderful when you figure out a tea, isn't it? I needed a tea I could make in the morning, when still sleepy, with less effort and attention than I usually give anything at my Gongfu table, and this really is such a tea.
Water temperature is low at 172. I thought it was 180 but used the thermometer this morning to double check and 172 it is. I am using, don't hate me, my Keurig's water dispenser for the mornings brew, the Bonavita will be used the rest of the day. But truly, fellow newbies following this blog, for me, many of the teas I like the best are at this temperature. At least initially, first few steeps. I would not do this with Puerhs of course.
And while I know there are some folks who are not novices are somewhat horrified there are other pros I listen to say, 'Whatever is right for YOU is right'. So there you are. Of course, those people are selling teas, and I love them for it and for their admonitions to learn and explore and do it my own way!

So to recap. Want a perfectly wonderful morning brew? Hours and hours of yummy? Teavivre's Yunnan Gongfu Fragrant Black is my choice and now I remember why I bought soooo much of it. 3 grams, 172 water temperature Fahrenheit, I use my 120 ml gaiwan and flash brew. The rinse was delicious, and yes, I drank the rinse. Figured I would just 'test' the rinse but it was terrific. I have now steeped these three grams around 10 seconds four times and will take a break, increase temperature and begin tinkering with this playful, delightful companion tea in an hour, and most likely for the rest of the morning.
Going to be a wonderful day with my Gongfu Fragrant Black!