A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Crimson Lotus Baiying Shan Hidden Song 2015 Puerh

I had a wonderful Sunday morning session with a sample from Crimson Lotus that came with my last order. The fragrances were delicious, startling me with its amazing sweetness in the bag, and fruity during its initial steeps. My favorite scent-time was smelling the lid of the gaiwan after warming the leaves but prior to wetting them. That was insanely perfect! I really enjoyed this Puerh from the first steep and I believe I steeped it almost ten times before it started to lose its hold on me. My daughter is sick with a sore throat and I immediately felt like Puerh was the way to go to give me strength to be there for her and to fight off the more-than-slight sore throat I feel coming on myself. Later in the morning I moved on to my usual Gongfu Fragrant Black for afternoon session and then, because it is still so hot in Southern California made a nice large pot of Oriental Beauty which I then poured over ice, with organic maple syrup, Saigon Cinnamon and almond milk. It's a shame and a damn sin I know to take a perfectly good OB and do that to it but it's worth it. Back to the star of the day though.
Star today was the 'Puerh for sure' and I still have enough left of the sample for one more day. Really look forward to waking up tomorrow morning, even though it's a Monday if I get to start my day a second time with the Hidden Song.