A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A first time comparison between Yixing and Gaiwan

First steep, both poured same time, Yixing broth is slightly darker.
I have waited a week to do this first comparison. A number of reasons mostly having to do with holding off until I was in a 'mood' to really do it right, another was I wanted to 'season' the new Yixing as much as possible, and lastly I don't know how I feel about comparing things, making judgments, saying 'yea' or 'nay', and I had to work that out.This morning I was able to do just that,by reminding my newbie brain this 'judging' is about finding what I, as the drinker prefer with this particular tea. It is in no way trying to sway or inform anyone aside from my own sensibilities, so armed with that reminder I began.
The pot is from Teavivre which I have written about prior to its arrival.Here is a brief reminder of it's particulars;

Beautiful Shape Yixing Purple Clay (Zi Sha) Teapot for Brewing Teas in Gongfu Way
  • Material: Original Purple Clay from Huang Long Shan (黄龙山), Yixing
  • Origin: Yixing (宜兴), Jiangsu, China
  • Craft: Handmade
  • Capacity: 140ml (4.7oz)

And of course my Gaiwan,the white simple ceramic holding the same amount of liquid.
I used my glass Chai Hai with the Gaiwan and with the Yixing I used a matching pitcher, also seasoned. I should add, not a fan of this Yixing pitcher, and perhaps I should have used a glass Cha Hai for both. Next time.

I used my favorite Oriental Beauty, exactly 4.5 grams in each vessel, water temp 190f, both vessels pre-warmed. The leaves smelled wonderful and the same in both the Yixing and the Gaiwan. First rinse, which I took a sip of tasted the same. First steep I also didn't sense or taste much difference but from then on, steeps 2 through 5 there was a noticeable difference. I felt there were more floral notes coming through with the Gaiwan and the Yixing broth was almost spicy. Further into the last steepings these differences seemed to mellow out, and I enjoyed both. I prefer the ritual of my Yixing, I get a kick out of pouring the hot water on top of the pot, watching the pour come out, but for daily use as you know, nothing beats the Gaiwan for ease. My favorite thing about the Gaiwan is being able to really watch the leaves change between steeps, I truly miss that when using the Yixing. Now that I have finished I am going to empty both Yixing and Gaiwan and examine to determine if the leaves look much different. I am expecting less opening from the leaves in the Yixing, but we shall soon know for sure.

As you can see my over-seer was Evil Judgmental Tea Frog who was quite grumpy until I whetted his mouth with the elixirs!
Not wanting to get super tea-drunk I did not dare consume all the tea, but used my sipping cups and then  repeatedly emptied both brews into a common cup which later I will turn into my Iced Oriental Beauty Delight! (see recipe in previous post.)

The REAL judge!