A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

What every serious tea explorer needs? A truly helpful and sophisticated TEA JOURNAL.

We tea-heads have our tea blogs, we have our notebooks, some of us use index cards, some of us recipe books, some of us use blank books. None of this is worthy of our efforts. Our efforts in regard to tea are measured in monetary expenditures, which can run hundreds a month, and the time, effort and mindfulness we bring to experiencing each tea we work with, get to know and become intimate with. And not just one steep but all the various options for each single tea we often wish we could easily write down but can't in a reliably consistent way. Tea amount in grams, tea temperature, ounce size of vessel used, clay pot, or porcelain, how many seconds tea is steeped? Time between steeps? And more!
It is my hope, and I will let you know very soon that Italian company MOLESKIN might have created what we, both men and women would use. Not for tea-house notes, but for home tea session notes. And to have a option other than Teavana's rather ridiculous tea journal offering is much needed in our community. No one I know would use anything that says 'Teavana' on it!

More to follow once the journal is used, which as my Dear Readers know means at least 4 times a day, since I am constantly steeping something new!
We need and will use something better than index cards or electronic typing in regard to this ancient and revered practice of Gungfo tea we steep ourselves in multiple times daily. As for me, I am tired of writing in a blank book that's pink, and has flowers on it. Enough I say!