A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

As I spend the afternoon being beaten by a child at Rummikub, at least I have this to ease my loser's sorrow, TIE GUAN YIN.

Dear Reader,
Are you in a dull situation? Are you having no pleasure at all right now? Is hedonism your goal but your backside is stuck to your desk? Do you want to feel deep joy very quietly that will trouble no one yet soar your soul to new heights? Tie Guan Yin. Really try any of them, any vendor at all, just try the Iron Goddess Of Mercy tea and feel the warmth in your belly grow and lift your spirits! It isn't pure heaven but it's a step in the right direction.

If you would like to know exactly which Tie Guan Yin from which company I am drinking, click here.