A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Lochan Tea Limited's Sourenee Darjeeling helps me to wake up and start my weekend feeling well cared for!

Subtle, crisp and well-balanced, this is a great morning tea. Waking earlier than I like and too foggy-headed and bleary-eyed to even consider handling a Yixing pot or trying to give full attention to a more complex tea, this is the answer to my sleepy prayers. My prayers only began when I started this journey of drinking good teas, when I stopped using the Keurig in the mornings to mindlessly make a large mug of something from a pod. I needed a middle path and this is it. (And never fear, Dear Reader, I haven't had a pod since the inception of this blog and my journey.)

This was a sample from Lochan Teas and is listed as 'Sourenee FTGFOP 1 CLO 2nd Flush 2015 Darjeeling Organic.'
That's a lot of words for this newbie to understand so I am just going to call this tea, Renee. My new friend, Renee Darjeeling. She is a great friend to wake up to for an early morning gathering just us two, she is easy on the eyes, delicate in her ways and I don't even need to eat anything, she is kind on the empty stomach before I break my night's fast.

And my thanks, as always when trying Indian teas goes out to my tea-guru Mr. Lochan for his continued and enthusiastic support of educating newbies like me for the betterment of my experience of tea which translates directly I believe to my experience of the world at large! I am a better person for it. Deep bows to Mr. Lochan, tireless force in the world of tea and much appreciated by thousands!