A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Qianjiazhai? Did I spell that right? In any case a nice 2015 Sheng brick sample comes my way.

Reading the tiny writing on this little sample with my old eyes was no easy task but I think I got it right! Whatever it is called, it is delicious. It is a wonderfully Portland-like morning here in usually sunny Southern California, misty, quiet aside from the wild parrots outside the back door who dont mind a bit of the weather coming their way, and neither do I! It seemed a good time to try a new tea, so I grabbed this sample of a sheng from Verdant and put the Bonavita on to boil.
A little over 5 grams in the packet was perfect, at least so I think for a 120ml gaiwan.
Tried not to drink the rinse but I had just come in from Sprouts Market and was chilled and it smelled sweet so I drank it. nothing wrong with that rinse, yum! The following steeps, of which I have now had four are nice with strong mineral flavor but sweet and very palpable at the same time. Aftertaste is nice as well, the mineral flavor lingers on the back of my tongue in a way that fits the day.
I might be temped to buy some of this and age half, drink the other half right away!