A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Houji Genmaicha from Den's Tea.

I love Den's Tea, they are less than thirty miles away from me, teas get shipped fast, the packaging is always good, there are always little samples, and I have even called on the telly to ask Den's advice on occasion over the years! I hold Japanese teas is great esteem and feel quite often like I am not worthy of them, they are often so easily ruined, at least to my palate. Den, I believe likes to 'brew 'em strong' but I have learned to take a lighter hand with the teas I buy from him, and with the addition a couple years ago of a kyusu and a yazumashi, I tend to get it just right almost every time. This evening with my meal I will be opening a new package of one of my favorites a roasted Genmaicha. The brown rice and Bancha leaves are in such nice contrast to one another, and the balance on this tea is always superb. I admit to enjoying Den's organic Genmaicha with Matcha even more, but have just run out, and this is almost as good, and very affordable. Den's is also my only source thus far for my Matcha needs, this is where I really allow myself to splurge, using the best grade I can afford, even if it is 'just' for lattes!