A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Aged Green Heart Oolong, 2003 from Mountain Tea

Note to self....... GET MORE OF THIS!

I like the aged taste of this Oolong, a little yeasty, a little more intense than most of the other aged Oolongs I have tried so far, which is certainly not that many, not enough to compare or god forbid, judge! I did not find it to be overly sweet, but very warming with a good-tasting roastiness and a long-lingering mouthfeel. I could easily drink this tea all day long!

From Mountain Teas site:
The nose exudes enticing herbal fragrance, including thyme and dried basil, finishing with a hint of something malty.  Once steeped, the aroma shifts into pleasant memories of buttered toast, promising rich and full flavors.  The notes include raisins and crackers lightly flavored with honey.  The aftertaste is smooth, milky sweet and can be savored for minutes.
Aged oolong is fast gaining fans in the east; enthusiasts cite smoother mouthfeel and bolder yet more complex notes as superior features compared to the non-aged variant, and after a long experiment we must agree! Aged oolong is stored under strict conditions, minimizing heat and humidity, and re-roasted every two or three years to remove naturally accumulated moisture.