A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

White Two Tea, 'Clover Patch Oolong'

I had to re-watch James and Denny's discussion and brewing session on this tea before I felt even slightly prepared to approach it. Initially I was like, "Wait. It's an oolong, for Christs' sake, I am not intimidated by oolongs. But this does come from W2T, so is it a normal oolong? These are intense Puerh dudes over at W2T, right?" So I was very nervous about opening the sample. Did not want to 'Blow It.' And as anyone who knew me in high school knows, I was the seemingly designated, 'Blow-It' girl; the idiot who stumbled blindly forward unaware of the dangers anyone else could see, called attention to my little group while doing very naughty things, the one who lifted the pot-pipe to take the hit while at a red light parked next to a motorcycle cop. I was and perhaps still am a blow-it.
So as I measure out four grams on the scale I am a nervous-purvis. I am tip-toeing around this sweet smelling bunch of leaves like it was an unstable explosive. I know buttkis about Wuyi, Yancha,Rock teas, any of that stuff, and Denny did suggest it was possible to create something 'GROSS', his actual word, if not attending to this sort of tea properly.

So, as I get ready to brew, I am not bored, I can tell you that! I am not complacent. I am fully awake. I am a little on edge, and that's fun. I rinse, rinse and steep and.... And it's NOT gross, at least I haven't blown it yet. Four grams in a 120ml gaiwan, I chose those parameters based on the TeaDB boys using 5 grams in a 60 or 70 ml gaiwan and knowing they are bat-shit crazy, because they all but said so in the video, so I figured these parameters were OK for a first time. Rinsed twice at 180 degrees, and flash-brewed three steeps one right after the other at 200f. VERY tasty and quite different than any oolongs I've had thus far.
More soon as steeps are experimented with!