A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

The perfect stomach-settler.

Oy, did I overdo it that new Wuyi Yancha or what? Some trains are hard to jump off of once they are in motion, and the White2Tea Clover Patch was such a tea.So good I couldn't even think of stopping. My stomach was in ruins as I had eight steeps on empty, but I righted that fast enough with some fresh sourdough bread and a whole pot of a really good herbal from Zen Tea called 'Evening Lights'. I am super picky about herbal blends, won't tolerate any 'added flavours' and hibiscus makes me want to retch so this was a happy find. My tummy is now settled after the tea and bread and I will most certainly recommend my friends new to teas and following my path to make sure you have something at least half as good as this tea at your disposal! At all times!
Here is the recipe for success found in Evening Lights:
Rose-hips peels, silver lime, licorice( didn't taste this, and glad of it, not a huge fan),strawberry- flowers, marigold-blossoms, peppermint, hawthorn-blossoms, chamomile, rose-blossom-leaves and crisped mint.