A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Might I introduce my friend, Puerh Lincang? A mild, friendly happy-to-meet-Cha sort of shou.

Lincang says 'Howdy! Hop on up, let's take a ride!'

(Prepping for the session)
After a few days of oolongs and herbals my body was tensed and ready for a Friday afternoon breakout session of Puerh. I also know myself and know I was going to gulp greedily, not be quite as sauve as I want to be with many of the Puerhs I have so I narrowed it down between some Bulang, a boisterous easy dude of a tea and Hidden Peak's Licang, a sensible, mild, not overly complex but super nice tea to get back in the saddle but not the saddle of a bucking bronco  (ala '401')!
So the Old Tree 2008 Lincang it is, and damn if I am not getting more and more nuanced and sophisticated everyday with the whole Puerh thing. Or not. Either way, I am loving the the choice of this brew.
(First steep after two rinses)
Comes on strong but solid, very dark, lightens up around third steep, and begins to get a little sweet. I find myself by steep three thinking about the fresh, warm braided Challah in my kitchen, (since it is Friday and I am, nominally at least, Jewish) and thinking how awesome it would be to dunk hot Challah in Lincang. And it would be, this puerh is bready, mossy, toasty, yummy.
Not over-the-top yummy, I am not in one of my swoons but it is a good, solid Puerh, especially for a newbie like me. Hey, I am may new to tea but this ain't my first rodeo. I've been to some 'high places' (ala '401') but sometimes a Friday afternoon needs to just be a really GOOD Friday afternoon, but without leaving the ground. After all, I do have a Shabbos meal to make. ( Just kidding, it's deli night, I did say nominal, didn't I?)
(Steep numero five, and I'm feeling good.)
Lastly and in a Jewcy ending a big Shalom! and Mazel Tov! to my manic little tea pet, 'Super Stressed Out Puerh Monkey' who told me its his birthday so got to sit in some soup.
(Perhaps just a wee bit overexcited?)