A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

My answer for how to make tea at 5am and not scald myself or drop a cherished antique pot in the process.

I start early. I'm a morning person, what can I say? My greatest joys of the day are often found in thoughts of what to drink next. However, first thing in the morning, is not such a good time for me in regard to hand/eye coordination. I live in fear of breaking the Jian Shui pots I use for Ooolongs and blacks, the celadon for whites has sentimental value and is irreplaceable to me though monetarily worthless and I seriously dread the almost inevitable hot spillage of water on my poor fingers when using the gaiwan in a less than fully wakeful state.
I've been pondering what to do in regard to this for weeks. I simply loathe standing in my kitchen, staring at my gongfu table and having to start my day by saying to myself, 'What to do? What to do?' like the doddering old woman I am surely becoming. I shall not hasten that dotage by whining in the early morning hours about tea, I refuse to go there! And now, thanks Smacha I can make sure I don't.

And best of all I don't have to use an old, plastic, stained, nasty Teavana tea-strainer or any other less than worthy methods or tools. I can make my tea, and make it perfectly and with total safety and ease with Smacha's auto-brewer.
In the past couple of months I have seen two new, bright shiny thousand dollar tea-brewing machines come into the marketplace, and have been fascinated and horrified. The idea of taking something as simple as tea and putting it through such a process appalls and galls me. It also calls to me, for I love gadgets and yes, I do want to get the most out of my leaves. But I don't need to spend money on something that plugs in and looks like a science experiment. The Smacha brewer makes me look at those high-tech tea gadgets and laugh. This is how it is done, people. Elegant, simple, and even for Gongfu lovers who generally do not steep for two minutes, truly worth the wait!
I want elegant but easy. I want perfect tea with minimal brain power involved in the wee hours of the morning, or really anytime I am not in the mood to appreciate the clay pot or the antique gaiwan, or when I really do want to make 10 ounces or more of something delicious and maybe, just maybe, use a large Japanese tea 'mug'! I am learning not everything has to be gongfu style. I can still brew with intention, mindfulness and slightly-muted-morning- enthusiasm even at 6 am. For this newbie, this is clearly the ticket. Beautiful, sturdy, delightfully made, I will be using this daily I can tell and am already putting it on the holiday list for a few friends. Its bright white with gold lettering makes me feel more awake just looking at it. This is a tool to be admired, valued and used, constantly.