A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

More on my Jian Shui pot, 'Great Virtue Carries Happiness With It'

When asked by the seller to write a short review of my favorite teapot for their website I hastily wrote this. My sanity may be in question but my taste? Divine!

"What can I say about being lucky enough to own this pot? This polished Jian Shui with its adorable, squat yet shapely design brings me more pleasure than my husband. If the house were on fire it's the one inanimate object I would make haste to rescue. If it ever breaks, even just the lid, I will cover the mirrors in the house and sit shiva for it. There is something more than a little wrong with how much I love this Jian Shui pot."
Here is a link to the sales page from whence I found and purchased the little angel...