A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

The Da Hong Pao experiments in taste begin.

So! The Da Hong Pao is pretty good. I have only had DHP once before, from a different vendor, in fact I don't even know who the vendor was, it was a small packet stuck into a large tea-ware order I had made and not from one of my trusted sources like Yunnan Sourcing, or Teavivre, or Verdant etc. I had disliked it pretty darn intensely, but then decided to try it in a new pot I had not been able to pair anything with and boom!the tea became drinkable. that was about four months ago and that's when I learned pairing a tea with a pot really is a thing, not just something people who sell pots might tell a novice who has too much cash on hand and a wild look in her eyes(albeit online so they couldn't see that) and was buying pots left and right. The pot that DHP sample worked with was one of four Yixing pots I bought in the first few months of my new addiction to tea, and man, I didn't know how I felt about that pot. I thought I had perhaps wasted my money, and it was 'so small!'
One of the four pots had quickly been assigned to be a Puerh pot, one had quickly become recognized as a useless non-utilitarian pretty 'art piece' never to be used ( every newbie buys one of those, right?), one had become an Oriental Beauty pot and so forth. I know you are rolling your eyes saying one pot for one kind of oolong? But seriously, this pot is part of my almost literal shrine of obsession with Oriental Beauty teas and nothing else is going in that pot. Moving on, one of the pots was a yixing yellow Xisha 90 ml and there was nothing that worked in it. Then I put in that mediocre DHP and all was well.
SO! Today I started in with my first good quality Da Hong Pao from a source I know and trust, I had brewed it up a few times last week just to test it out in my usual plain white gaiwan, it was OK, nothing to go all 'nom-nom-nom' about like my earlier tea of the morning(see below post on that gorgeous oolong), and so I decided to hang back and try it again today. I brewed 3 grams in a 100ml gaiwan and it was OK. It seemed to get better as the steeps went on, not madly in love with it, but  can see how I could develop a real liking for it. I think.
Then I remembered the yellow Yixing, grabbed that, dumped the wet leaves from the gaiwan and started fresh using 3 grams each vessel, and began steeping in both, same time, same water temp. Hey, I can do this two handed and not burn the living crap out of myself? WIN!
And just like months ago the DHP in the Yixing went Boom! and was better tasting than the gaiwan brew. The color from the brew in the pot is lighter just a bit than the gaiwan brew, perhaps the new thirsty little pot is taking out some of the fullness of the tea, and if so, perhaps that's what this tea needs to be made more attractive to me.
Here is a photo, and now I am off to play with temperatures and grams. I think I will focus on using the little pot, and take out a gram of wet leaves, and drop the temp down to 190f, see how that goes. As usual, Dear Readers, your emails with suggestions, admonitions and so forth are encouraged!As this is an ongoing experiment to experience a real good DHP and do it properly I will be answering emails the same day I promise! No lag time on this one.