A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

The 'Tea Pairing Experiments' get ready for round four with another hopeful contender, The Bites Company out of Westport, Connecticut.

What, if anything to pair with teas? Some teas we already know demand no other digestible substances be anywhere near them. We know those teas, they tend to be aged, fermented, rare, crazy-pricey and so full of otherworldly nuances; shoe leather, peat-moss, grandpa's sock, basement.....well, you just can't add a nosh to that, you have to be there for the ride sans the helpmate-sweetness a biscotti or a short-bread cookie might offer.
For other teas though, Oolongs, Darjeelings and so forth I have found I am lightening up my stoic stance on never eating while in a tea session. I am finding there is sometimes a middle ground.
God forbid I give up the meditative, intense focus of Gongfu ritual and turn into an English tea drinker with trays of finger-foods, but there are occasions, (like EVERY MORNING) when I feel a high quality goodie would only increase my enjoyment. And is there anything more important than my pleasure? Pul-leese.
So the search began about four months ago, starting with a series of blog posts, and biscotti bites from companies very boutique and small to a company that sells their biscotti from Costco in enormous plastic tubs (too much fennel!).  On a recent visit to a Home Goods shop I espied a small little bag of Lemon Biscotti Bites from The Bites Company and tossed them in my cart with the same high hopes I give to anything with the word 'biscotti' in the name, although three months ago I had never had biscotti, and thought it was a 'coffee thing' and since I don't drink coffee, had never troubled myself. But as I learned from that mom-and pop biscotti company out of southern California, biscotti, the right biscotti is a great pairing for tea.
So with that I grabbed this little bag of 'round' biscotti lemon cookies and headed for the long check-out line. I was hungry on the way home, and began to think I wasn't sure lemon biscotti would be a good match for my afternoons planned session of a Taiwanese high-mountain bug-bitten, organic, honey-roasted oolong, a tea which would broach no test cookie at its side and so.... well, I ate the whole bag in the car on the way home instead!

When I got home, and after my tea session I searched out the online presence of The Bites Company to see what else they might have to offer that I could pair with teas as my experiments continued and I found their cocoa bites and their almond bites. I now have a package of all three and will begin shortly. As you know, if it doesn't work for me, I won't be suggesting it, but after eating that entire bag of lemon bites in the car, I am indeed hopeful that in the cocoa or especially the almond I may find a good nosh of choice when serving certain teas. Let the experiments begin!
(Which one would you choose to try with this lovely spring 2015 Dong Ding Fragrant from Floating Leaves Tea out of Seattle?)