A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

My first views of Jalam Tea looks and smells pretty, pretty pretty pretty good!

Jalam Teas out of Ontario, Canada has sent me three hefty, rather gorgeous looking Puerh Samples and I cannot wait to explore. I don't have to even taste them yet to want to write about them, the sample size and weight and shapes of these samples are more than pretty good. They are pretty good times five.
While I start my research on the three offering Jeff was so kind to share with me I will show you exactly what I got....... and here we go!

I will be writing on, hopefully all three of these teas as I experience them. I say hopefully, for as you know, dearest readers, I only write what I either love, or that which fascinates me, though I might not blindly 'love' it. I am hopeful all three of these will capture my attention, and frankly from looking at the website and the info on each of these teas, I'm pretty sure they will. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty sure.
More to come as I decide which of these to try first.