A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Quantitea's Qiao Mu Lao Sheng Cha!

Quantitea's  QMLSC ( because I am too exhausted from typing it once to type it twice) is a delicious sheng. First and second steep are both deep rich amber, sweet and earthy, slightly smokey with a touch of camphor, but just a touch.

From Quantitea:

Qiao Mu Lao Sheng Cha is a Sheng Puer from 2001. It was harvested in the mountains of the Yunnan Province in the spring and is processed into maocha then aged. Naturally occurring microbes ferment the dry tea leaves over time causing a shift from a young sheng puerh into a well-rounded, complex tea.
This tea is earthy, notes of bark with a hint of cinnamon, herbaceousness like geranium greens, oak smoke, camphor, and subtle green grapes, with an underlying rose fragrance
Plant: Camellia sinensis var. assamica
Type: Sheng Puer
Origin: Yunnan Province, China
Harvest Date: April
Plucking Standard: bud and first leaf
Process: wither, fix, rolled, dried, fermented/aged
Brewing Parameters: 205F for 1.5 min, 7 steeps