A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Loving my Japanese teas today with Gyokuro Uji Superior from Zen Tea!

A really nice example of a Gyokuro from Uji in Kyoto. The cooler the temperature gets here in Los Angeles, (and it was down to a 'freezing' 50 degrees Fahrenheit last night, brrrrr!) the more I crave Japanese teas. I don't know why, but even more than a dark rich Yunnan shou puerh or an oolong, I tend to dream of and partake in Japanese teas this time of year. Not only have I got my Kyusu and Yuzamashi out but I have been collecting artisan Yunomi cups as well. In fact I sit biting my nails the past few days just waiting for my first Petr Novak pieces to arrive. Can hardly wait. This is the most gorgeous cup I have ever seen, and will be dedicated to the best Japanese teas I can find!

Zen Tea's Gyokuro Uji is a nice verdant green and a little goes a long way, at least when using a 100ml hohin. I did not measure by grams, but just took a largish 'pinch' and enjoyed three consecutive steeps with the water temp at around 175f. What a nice way to finish supper, (even if supper was Mexican chicken tacos, that I, of course, being a horrible cook, failed to make a success out of.)
Who cares? I've got tea!
I love Zen Tea. The attention to quality has been apparent with everything of theirs I have had. I enjoy their website and love trying new things they have procured.
Tonight is sushi night, which means I don't have to cook, thank goodness. The sushi at our local place is fine but the tea they serve? Shameful! Tonight I will be taking my own tea and asking them to bring me a pot of water, I will have Zen Tea with me, a small hohin in my purse and a feeling of gratitude for Zen Tea in my heart!