A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Farmers Choice Bao Zhong from Spring 2015

(Photo of first steep)
Green and gorgeous to behold, this delivers a vibrant flavor with the first steep.
Earthy, sweet and super affordable especially now with a 25% sale going on, if you like Bao Zhong or have always wanted to try it, this is a good offering to explore. I had this one, and here is the personal recommendation from the owner of Floating Leaves of her preferred brewing parameters, which I of course, smartly followed...
She says;
I like to brew it in a gaiwan. My gaiwan is about
120ml. I use leaves to fill one third of the gaiwan, which is close to 4
grams of tea. I will boil the water and rinse the leaves quickly. For the
first brew, I do about 15 seconds; 17 seconds on second infusion; and
about 22 seconds for the third infusion. I like to brew about 5 infusions.
Some people argue lightly oxidized Oolong like Baozhong can't take boiling
water. That's not what I see and what I learn in Taiwan. We use very very
hot water even for a tea like this. I will encourage people to play with
the temperature. I notice higher temps brings out more body and lower
temps brings out more sweetness. I am a "texture" drinker. I prefer it
with higher temperature to brew my tea.