A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Floating Leaves Dong Ding Fragrant, Spring 2015.

I'd like to rant and rave but before I do that, I thought perhaps I should see if Floating Leaves even has anymore of the Spring 2015, and alas, she does not.
So I will refrain from raving and moaning and groaning about how perfect it is.
I will keep this a short plug for Dong Ding Fragrant Oolongs in general.
I've been asked about a hundred times in the past month which is a good sort of tea to begin with and my top two suggestions are Oriental Beauty and Dong Ding.
Of course there are many kinds of both teas, different harvests, different locations, and with Dong Ding perhaps even more variants with different kinds and levels of roasting. Frankly, I don't have a clue.
But in any case. If you are reading this blog regularly, you are a newbie. You want to try some newbie-new teas. My suggestions remain. I also suggest for a good trustworthy US source with amazing affordability to visit Floating Leaves Tea located in Seattle, but with a terrific online presence.
And now some small tokens of my esteem for all of us by sharing small pictures of animals drinking tea. For that is what we are really, isn't it? Small animals sipping tea hoping to get to keep on keeping on without being plucked by the jaws of death in the form of a winged predator or called by the pasty-faced angels to come sit at the feet of some inattentive god while he prattles on about how great he is?
Bugger that.