A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

2015 Gui Fei Mei Ren from Floating Leaves Tea is amazing and available and affordable too!

Just had my first, and a very long, tasting session with this tea sample that Shiuwen from Floating Leaves sent me with my last order. I made a big 'mug' of it using my auto-brewer, and it has brewed up gorgeously from the first steep and continues to be soft-bodied and a great morning tea the past hour.
Here is what Shiuwen has to say about it:

"This one of the softest Gui Fei Mei Ren I have ever tried. It's fruity and sweet. The dry leaves of this Gui Fei Mei Ren have some sort of dark dry fruit smell. The broth is sweet, balanced and very soft. I can't emphasize enough how soft this tea is. This tea can also yield many infusions. Before my tea friend Mr. Tsai sent out this tea in December, I asked him to do a light roast for me. This style of roast is not to turn the tea into a roasted tea(you won't taste the roast), but to bring out more fineness and stablize the tea. I also enjoy this Gui Fei Mei Ren directly brewed in a cup( just leaves in a big cup without infusers. When the tea turn strong, just add more hot water). I think in America, people call this the "grandpa style". I highly recommend this tea."

When the owner of floating Leaves highly recommends something, it is always good. She is an amazing upfront person. Price point on this lovely oolong is great too.
So, check it out, check-it-outers!

Off to drink some more!