A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

When a body meets a body, coming through the rye.

Tonight I mixed two shou puerhs into a gaiwan and risked playing the fool with my stomach by drinking the results for eleven steeps before stopping to eat some gingersnaps. I had the last remaining two grams of a powerful, almost hallucinatory 1996 puerh from Hidden Peak called simply '401' that is somewhat legendary, and I added an additional three grams from a shou also from Hidden Peak Tea-house called 'Lotus Brick' from 2000. This is the first time I have mixed teas and I wasn't entirely sure a crime against one or both of the teas was being committed.
Then I remembered a tea-drunk phone call I had made to David, the owner of Hidden Peak upon my first introduction to '401' a few months prior, during my first session with '401.'
I don't really remember the content of the call, but I know I talked a LOT, and David himself talked a lot, and had I not been so tea-drunk, and my senses so heightened by the intensity of the '401' I might have learned quite a bit about puerh during that conversation. Mainly though I called to ask him, "Is this normal?!?!?!?" as I was having a flat-out hands-down crazy-ass experience with 6 grams of '401' in which my energy was intensely creative, my nips were hard and suddenly after the 9th steep the whole brew suddenly and totally transformed into a sweet nectar that was too good to be real, so yeah, that happened. I called the poor man who doesn't know me from Adam in the middle of the afternoon and I am fairly certain he will remember my voice should I ever walk into his tea-house in person and run for the attic to hide. Or perhaps he will embrace me warmly and tousle my hair. In either case I will be handing my wallet over to anyone in charge over there to help me further pursue such adventures in the great fields and valleys in the world of Puerh.
Tonight's conclusion was; blending is good. Blending is nice, and mixing helped the '401' not make one too full of.......well, too full of whatever those words are I am yet to learn in my journey, words like 'huigan' I think? Maybe just 'chi?'
So, to wrap her up, I had a wonderful, but somewhat mellow in comparison tea session with the blending of the two shous and was quite pleased with the outcome. Now totally out of the 10 gram sample I had purchased of the '401' the two experiences will be remembered but perhaps not rekindled as I have enough new puerhs to try without having to buy another one for years to come. In fact I would guess I have enough puerhs that I could drink a different puerh each day without repeating, or even blending for the next 365. Happy to share, so come on over and we will traverse the insane world of puerhs in an adventure together!