A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Tea-Village in Thailand introduces me to a 'Puerh style tea' quite unusual!

Tea-Village is a tea company in Thailand with some truly interesting things to try. Take this for example,
So Thai teas! Who loves them, who knows about them, who wants to share? This is the first one I have tried from Thailand, but still have a Bai Hao Formosa(Oriental Beauty) and an Oolong #12 ( Jin Xuan) from Tea-Village to try out yet. I've been in a Puerh state of mind lately so decided to explore this one first, especially since I find the idea of a 'Puerh style' tea to be fascinating. Amazing smell came out of the bag upon opening it, very unexpectedly fruity and sweet.
Steeps up a lovely color right away, two quick rinses, sipped the first and second rinse, liked the first, not so much the second, and then a few steeps at 30-60 seconds. Used the whole sample, seven grams in a four ounce gaiwan, maybe I shouldn't have done that, I am undecided as of this writing.
In any case, this doesn't taste like a Chinese Puerh, that's for sure! As of steep five I like it a lot, it has a pretty high novelty value to it that I am riding high on, and recognizing that, I have stopped brewing at five steeps, and will come back to it a little later this afternoon to retry with a fresh mind.
Initial reactions are good, though there is a after-taste that is alien to me, not unpleasant, but it makes me wish I were sampling this tea with one of the Puerh experts I know, I am sure there is a word for this that isn't yet in my tea-vocabulary. It's certainly not 'astringent', nor 'bitter', it is something else, not over-powering and not to be labelled lazily 'unpleasant'. In fact with it lingering as long as it is, I might grow fond of it.
This cha comes on with a strong pretty intense flavor, nothing of peat moss, old leather, nothing like that. It's bright and sweet really, with a terrific aroma. The taste is not like the bag scent, and the scent of the wet leaves is not like the taste. Hmmmmm. Again, I am going back in an hour or so, perhaps a little less high on the novelty factor and the tea-high this intense little sample has got me grooving on!
A few hours later and the tea is mellowing out even furthering an I am finding it has more to offer me than just the novelty of being a 'puerh-style tea', it is warm and gracious and very, very delicious!