A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Goodbye, goodbye, old friend, Jing Mai......

Smacha's Jing Mai Old Tree 2011 Puerh has been a pivotal experience and left an extraordinary and positive impression upon me that will no doubt lead me even further down the shou path. Today I am brewing up the last 8 grams, yes all of it, (its all shake at this point,) and spend the day saying farewell!
I had to stop for a bit, right in the middle of writing this, and drinking my fifth steep to take my kid to In-n-Out for a burger and I guess I must be feeling a little tea-high because I thought it would be fun to hand to cashier at the window a big rock I keep in my car instead of the $10 bill next to it. Frisky, is how I feel, I guess, playful, buzzed on good tea. I didn't even need to order myself my usual double-double animal style( and no, its not on the menu, ya tourist, you have to know how to order it) to make my day, this puerh has me feeling grand with no additional help from my otherwise favorite thing to put in my gaping maw.
Difference between steeps one and two.