A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A Sunday morning brunch tea that actually goes well with bacon and eggs! Camellia Sinensis' Dong Ding /Mrs. Lin

Camellia-Sinensis offers a wonderful Dong Ding that goes so well with the bacon, eggs, salsa and goat-cheese I just finished that I feel like a genius for pulling it out(at random) from my tea trove.

Cooked with charcoal, this winter harvest Wulong is delicious. Super robust, thick mouth-feel, tastes of grains, wood, flowers and plums. It's spicy but still cooling where my mouth is still slightly burning from the double-roasted tomato salsa on my eggs! A good way to start Sunday, especially now that I can relax knowing my GSW's are getting their much deserved game 7 tomorrow night!