A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Time to feed the hippo.

I really like this guy. I mean, he is everything I ever wanted in a teapet; chunky in my hand, big black soulful eyes, a body I can run my finger over, and pour tea upon from his fat little head all the way down his hide. He and I shared a little Tie Guan Yin last night and really bonded so I wanted to accomplish a couple things this morning. One, get as high as I could to get myself up and moving after the election results and two, bless and welcome this chunky little bastid in the finest possible fashion. For these two objectives my choice was actually really easy. Yunnan Sourcing's Guan-Dong stored wild arbor raw 2005 Mengu Zheng Shan Daye.
I used seven grams in a Jian Shui gaiwan and with a Jian Shui sipping cup as well. Everything looks so swell together. Since I've written about this tea already I won't repeat myself but will direct you to the original post here, to read my notes on this amazing cake. I was literally moved to order soon after watching Denny and James discuss it on teadb.org and I bought two cakes, one to indulge in and one to store. Happy to share it with my new tea buddy while all the other teapets, especially the spoiled fat frogs look on from the window ledge. It is a bit pricey cake for me at $58 but well worth it for a 400 gram cake. Like camphor, chinese medicine shop weirdness and an intense head-buzz? Check it out.