A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

From Mountain Tea out of California, a Silver Needle Puerh. I love it. He hates it. So what else is new?

( My inner vision of me forcing tea upon my less than enthusiastic spouse.)

I haven't revisited this tea in at least eight months until just a few minutes ago, was surprised, in fact, to find it in my Puerh closet. I think I may have been more surprised to see it now than I was back then when all things Puerh were new to me. So a loose leaf Pu was just another weird tea. Now that I have a closet full of Pu teas, both cakes and sample and bricks, shengs and shous, raw and cooked, so on and so forth...now this crispy loose leaf tea makes me really wonder. Also after first steep I am high as a kite kinda happy.
I brewed up 5 grams in a 160 ml celadon pot at 210f and the flash rinse yielded so much color and viscosity I had to drink it and it was good. The rinse. Was. GOOD.
The second steep I allowed the tea to sit for maybe 15 seconds and the ruby red color and thickness of the broth was amazing. So amazing I stopped after this first real steep, and made my husband try it. Yes, yes, he hates Pu and never says anything nice and this time was no different. But he's a half-crazed visigoth with no tongue for the stuff, and what he said was not surprising but almost poetic and certainly worth repeating. It is the sort of description that had I heard it would make me buy the tea. He said, "This is like a smoldering cigarette in an ashtray was put out with warm, flat RC Cola. And then at some point you dropped some Honey-Nut Cheerios in it and let it sit for awhile longer and then you put it through a strainer and made me drink it."
Yeah, it's that good.

I am on Mountain Tea's website now and see no sign of it so I cannot pass more information onto you at this point but rest assured, dear readers, I have emailed them already for an explanation because, really? What IS THIS? I love it, I didn't know what I had in my hot little newbie hands when I got it and now I do and I want MORE of the same please! At least and education on what I am drinking because this is amazing, dark as coffee, warm, earthy and lovely stuff right here.