A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

A deep and abiding love of Oriental Beauty

Another beautiful experience from Thailand. Tea-Side's offering of a very unique tea, Lao Chin Shin Oolong

From 1995, this aged Lao Shin Chin Thai Oolong is different from anything else I've tried so far. It really surprised me with its very strong plummy, or perhaps cherry notes. In fact, if anything, it reminds me of the very odd Japanese 2015 Bancha Goishicha I just bought from What-Cha(and am willing to share if you contact me, because it is too weird NOT to share with other bemused and delighted tea-heads.) I think the comparison is apt due to the fermentation and the intense plummy notes. this was the last of a hearty sample sent to me last year by Tea-Side and for this experience I have been continually full of gratitude.
Started my tea morning at 6 am with a dark roasted Dong Ding which I have already written about and now, two hours later, found myself with a yen to fnish off the last five grams of the Thai delight. Super yummy, and still for sale at www.tea-side.com. Get some while you can. Very nice change of pace and a rather intense qi energy, gentle yet persistent and makes me want to go create something beautiful!